Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Moving with the flow.

Well first post and i am gonna go with the stream for this one time. Yes, post is about my football fever, which err...comes in like every four years. Yea baby, you guessed it right, here is one football fan who detest club football and try hard to get into the groove before every fifa WC. Used to play with ManU in fifa 2007, and their ends my deeds associated with club football.

Now why am i such awe for WC alone? The reason being one man-David Beckham. Used to follow this guy and his hairstyles in the early 2000s.*following hairstyle part never got implemented on my head*. He had been through the ups n downs in a very unique way. The 98 WC saw him earn a red card and ending upon the losing side. Faced death threats and what not. Pictures of him being hanged haunted him for years—until the Greece goal came.

The Greece Goal-England needed a draw or a win to qualify to WC final round. In the 89th minute England was trailing with scorecard at 2-1. Then out of nowhere came a foul. Beckham moved into take the kick. The scence couldn’t get better for any sportsman. Four years ago the same people watching him had sent him death threats and now they were praying for him. Dejected heads all around. Beckham takes the kick n boy oh boy, didn’t he deliver. One of those wildest celebrations you will ever see brke down under that stadium roof. If i get to turn back time, i would love go back and be an audience to this epic event.

Might not be the best of bend-it-like-beckham collections, but the intensity and history made this one remain etched in my memory. Like 2006, supporting England and Argentina this year. Hope one of them triumphs. But whatever be the case, the photoshop freak in me not gonna stay away from such a mega event. Made a poster of my own(attached alongside). This would be the first of many to come. Below the goal which made me the crazy once-in-4-years football fan.

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